
Cold Water Saves

In 2016 The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) and The Sustainability Consortium (TSC) came together to create the Cold Water Saves Initiative.

Since launching this initiative, we have remained committed to sharing our message about the power of cold water washing and the fact that we all have an opportunity to do our laundry in a sustainable way.

For us it’s all about understanding, spreading the word and sharing all of the benefits that come with washing in cold. Benefits you’ll see in your clothes and feel in your wallet, while knowing you’re making a difference for our planet.

The American Cleaning Institute

Established in 1926, The American Cleaning Institute is dedicated to advancing the public understanding of the safety and benefits of cleaning products. As a nonprofit association, we represent producers of household, industrial and institutional cleaning products, their ingredients and finished packaging, as well as oleochemical producers and chemical distributors to the cleaning product industry.

The Sustainability Consortium

The Sustainability Consortium (TSC) is a global nonprofit organization transforming the consumer goods industry to deliver more sustainable consumer products.

Save Energy + Protect Your Clothes + Preserve Our Planet